Below is 2 pages I created using the Simply Scrappin Kit from 2009. I've been meaning to try and use them... but I'm sometimes a little silly... I want to 'save' my favourite stuff ;} You know how it is right? I have alot of pretty papers and stickers that my husband teases me he's going to use when I'm not looking. I'm very protective of my scrapping stuff.
Anyway... without long adue! and because Jo asked ;} Here is my photos of my 2 page album. I will take more... and I might even re-take these ones seems the photos don't do the pages any justice. The problem is I take the photos at the end of the I need to take them in daylight to get a better picture.

If you live locally... contact me and I tell you more about the local hall set-up. The more ladies the merrier... we're trying to start a movement ;} plus commit to scrapping once a month. I know it gets my mojo going..saying that I've not done a thing for 5 days... I've been struggling with constant hunger/sickness!!! Tonight I think I'm going to surf the web looking for ideas & inspiration...
BTW... check out my friend Jenny from Chelsea's new blog...Yum!Yum!
Bye for now..