Firstly... I thought I'd 'pimp' my last Holiday Hoopla class I'm hosting on Friday December 3rd (see below)
When? Friday December 3rd
Where? My house in Kanata - email me for details
What time? Anytime after 6pm
What to bring? Adhesive of your choice
What I will provide? a night of stamping fun, great draw prizes, christmas music, a treat for everyone and lots of Christmas snacks
**Reserve your seats now - only 4 left**
Secondly... I've successfully put up my main tree in my house. I know, I know it's early but I had a friend come over with her sister and take some family holiday photos. How did it go? Well... have you tried to get a 2yr old to sit still for photos... was ok...but I also had low expectations.... I'm happy with the outcome. Next year will be better right? 3yrs olds are easier?? Check out the SU! Holiday Advent Calendar - cool little take-out boxes :) full of goodies. Can't wait till Dec 1st...

Ok.. back to some card-making. I was going posts some photos of my creations the other night but my new camera battery decided to die on me after 2 photos. I think I'm going to have to make myself a light box seems I'm not liking the orange tinge to my photos...
